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Citrus aurantium: bergamot orange, bigarade, bitter orange, marmalade orange, Seville orange, sour orange

The bitter or Seville Orange is seldom cultivated in Pakistan. Mostly used as a rootstock in grafting other citrus species; the fruit may be used for marmalades.

Common Names:

in English: bergamot orange, bigarade, bitter orange, marmalade orange, Seville orange, sour orange
in Arabic: arendj, narendj
in Cambodia: krôôch loviing
in China: zhi shi, suan cheng
in India: airavata, airavatah, amritphal, arancu, arancupalam, aranji, aravatah, arawat, batavinarinja, battavinarinja, beddacini, buddachinee, buddasini, camiranam, cerunarakam, champra, cherunarakam, chinee, cini, collungie pullum, conakanarakam, conakanaranna, dantaharshana, dantakarshana, dantashatha, doddile, edapandu, elumiccai, gajanimma, gandhadhya, gandhapatra, haerali, herali kaayi, herula, ida, ile, jadyari, jambha, jambhaka, jambhala, jambhalam, jambhalamu, jambham, jambhamu, jambhara, jambhiri, jambir, jambira, jambira-phalam, jambiram, jambiramu, jantujita, jonakanarakam, kahi kanchi, kahisanthra, kamalranj, kanchikai, kanci, karna, khatta, khattay, kich-chilip-pazham, kichchili-pandu, kicchili pazham, kiccili, kichlie pullum kirmira, kirmirtvaka, kitchili, kitchli, kithale, kittalay, kittale, kittale-hannu, kittali, kittali-pandu, kitthale, kittile, kolanchinarakam, kolanji-narakam, kolannanarakam, kolunci, komla, kozhunjip-pazham, laramj, limbe, limeh, limu, limue-hamiz, limue-tursh, limuetursh, madhura-naranna, madhuranaragam, madhuranarakam, madhuranaranna, mahanarama, mallikanaarangi, mitha, mukhapriya, mukashodhi, naarangamu, naaraththai, nadeyi, nagar, nagarangah, nagarangaphalam, nagarunga, nagranga, nagruka, naraddai, narang, naranga, naranga-pandu, narangah, narangam, narangamathira, narangamu, narangataila, narangi, naranj, naranji, naranna, naranttai, narattai, narattam, narendj, narengi, narenj, narija, narija-pandu, narijamu, naringa, naringi, narinja, nariyanga, narungasala, narunge, nimbe, nimbuka, pandil, pattaviya, pattaviyamaram, peddaida, peddavida, peddayida, pulinarattai, pulippunarattai, pulittanarattai, puttansini, qumlanebu, rewatavakrashodhi, rochanaka, sadagadi, sakkarekanci, sakkarekanji, sakulimba, sangtara, sangtra, satagadi, satghadi, sathgadi, sathghur, sharbat naranj, sini, sira, sisu, sunthura, suntra, suranga, swadunaringa, talkh santare ke phool, tantacatam, tiaaranji, tipanaringa, tiyyanaranji, tvagagandha, tvakasugandha, vaktravasa, varishtha, yogaranga
in Indonesia: assam kelele, lemon itam
in Japan: daidai, inukunibu, ka-busu, ka-ibusu
in Malaysia: limau samar
in Philippines: alsem, cabuso, cajel, dalanghita, daranghita, kahel, ransas, talamisan, tamisan
in Thailand: som
in Central America: naranja ácida, naranja agria, naranja amarga, naranja de Sevilla
in Haiti: zorange si
in Madagascar: voanginitrimo
in Nigeria: lemo tsame
in Yoruba: gan-in gan-in, jaganyin, jagbure, oro oyibo, orombo, orombo didun, orombo efin, orombo igun, orombo jaganyin, orombo lakuegbe, orombo mumu, osan mumu, osan nla, osan oyinbo

Floral Description:

According to Flora of Pakistan

Tree, 7-8 m tall, spines axillary and sharp. Leaves 50-115 x 30-55 mm, elliptic; petiole winged, wings obovate. Flowers bisexual, 1-few, in axillary cymes. Petals fleshy and glandular. Stamens 20-24. Fruit globose, 7 x 7.5 cm, flattened at the base and apex; rind when ripe, glandular and rough. Axis hollow. Pulp bitter-acidic

According to Flora of China:

Small trees. Branches with spines up to ca. 8 cm. Petiole obovate, 1-3 × 0.6-1.5 cm, base narrow; leaf blades dark green, thick. Inflorescences racemes, with few flowers or flowers solitary. Flowers perfect or male by ± complete abortion of pistil; buds ellipsoid to subglobose. Calyx lobes 4 or 5. Petals 2-3.5 mm in diam. Stamens 20-25, usually basally connate into bundles. Fruit orange to reddish, globose to oblate, surface coarse; pericarp thick, sometimes difficult to remove; sarcocarp with 10-13 segments, acidic and sweet or sometimes bitter. Seeds numerous, large, with ridges; embryo(s) solitary to numerous; cotyledons milky white.

Chemical Constitutes

cis-Jasmone,(E)-beta-Farnesene, (E)-Caryophyllene, (E)-Ocimene, (R)-linalool, (Z)-Ocimene, 2,6-Dimethyl-1,3,5,7-octatetraene, 2-Phenylethanol, 4(10)-Thujene, 5,7,4'-Trimethoxyflavone, 5-Hydroxyauranetin, 6-Methyl-5-hepten-2-one, Acetone, Allo-Ocimene, alpha-Myrcene, alpha-Pinene, alpha-Thujene, Auranetin, Auraptene, Benzaldehyde, Benzene acetonitrile, beta-Pinene, Carvyl acetate, Citronellol, Curcumene, Demethylnobiletin, Diosmetin 7-neohesperidoside, Dipentene, Ethanol, Hesperetin, Hesperidin, Hexanal, Hordenine, Indole, Isopropanol, Isosinensetin, Limonene, Limonin, Linaloyl acetate, Lonicerin, Methyl anthranilate, Myrcene, N-Methyltyramine, n-Phenylformamide, Naringenin, Naringin, Narirutin, Neo-allo-ocimene, Neoeriocitrin, Neohesperidin, Nerol, Nerolidol, Nobiletin, o-Cymol, Octopamine, p-Cymene, Rhoifolin, S-(+)-Linalool, S-(+)-Linalool, Scutellarein 5,6,7,4'-tetramethyl ether, Seselin, Sinensetin, Subaphyllin, Synephrine, Tangeretin, Terpinolene, TyramineZeaxanthin

Activities and uses:

Fruits and leaves carminative, astringent, tonic, stomachic. Used to treat digestion; an oral remedy for chest complaints, infection and for infertility in women. Leaves extract applied over fresh wounds.


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