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Butterfly ginger, butterfly lily, cinnamon jasmine, common ginger lily, garland flower, ginger lily, white ginger

Butterfly ginger, butterfly lily, cinnamon jasmine, common ginger lily, garland flower, ginger lily, white ginger are the common names of Hedychium coronarium J. König. This plant is also known as  dolon chapa in Bangladesh, jiang hua  and tu qiang huo in China, bhod silndi, gulbakaoli, kachhra, phaching, rubiri  in India, hana-shuku-sha in Japan, ganda suli in Malay and ‘awapuhi ke’oke’o in Hawaii.

Hedychium coronarium J. König contains 7-Hydroxyhedychenone, 3,7,4'-Tri-O-methylkaempferol, 1,8-Cineole, Hedychenone, (E)-Nerolidol, Coronarin D, Coronarin D methyl ether, Coronarin E Hedychilactone A, Hedychilactone B, Hedychilactone C, Labda-8(17),13(14)-dien-15,16-olide.

Other Scientific Names include:
Hedychium coronarium var. baimao Z.Y. Zhu
Hedychium coronarium var. chrysoleucum (Hook.) Baker 
Hedychium coronarium var. elwesii (Baker) Naik  

Hedychium coronarium var. flavescens (Carey ex Roscoe) Baker
Hedychium coronarium var. flavum (Roxb.) Baker 
Hedychium coronarium var. maximum (Roscoe) Eichler 
Hedychium coronarium var. subditum (Turrill) Naik 
Hedychium coronarium var. urophyllum (Lodd.) Baker

Floral Description:
Leaves sessile; ligule 2--3 cm, membranous; leaf blade oblong-lanceolate or lanceolate, 20--40 × 4.5--8 cm, adaxially glabrous, abaxially finely pubescent or thinly hairy, base acute, apex long acuminate. Spikes ellipsoid, 10--20 × 4--8 cm; bracts imbricate, ovate, 4.5--5 × 2.5--4 cm, 2- or 3-flowered. Flowers white, fragrant. Calyx ca. 4 cm, split on 1 side. Corolla tube ca. 8 cm, slender; lobes lanceolate, ca. 5 cm, central one spatulate, apex mucronate. Lateral staminodes oblong-lanceolate, ca. 5 cm. Labellum white, pale yellow at base, obcordate, 4--6 × 4--6 cm, apex 2-cleft. Filament ca. 3 cm; anther ca. 1.5 cm. Ovary sericeous.

Medicinal Properties and Uses:
Crushed roots juice put into eyes for eye troubles, red eyes. Leaves decoction drunk for indigestion; pain in the abdomen, eat the leaves with betel; vapor of boiled leaves for sore joints. Rhizome and leaf paste applied on forehead for headache and for body swellings. Rhizomes antisyphilitic, antidote, carminative, antirheumatic, tonic, stimulant; dried rhizome powder given with warm water in fever. Magic, root as charm against 


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