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Tabernaemontana corymbosa: names and pharmacology

Common Names:
in China: san fang gou ya hua
in Indonesia: djelutung badak, restong badak
Malay names: jelutong badak, pokok restong, susok ayam, susun kelapa
in Thailand: sang laa
in Vietnam: l[af]i tr[aa]u t[as]n

Scientific Names (Synonyms)

Ervatamia baviensis (Pit.) Pichon
Ervatamia chinensis (Merr.) Tsiang
Ervatamia continentalis Tsiang
Ervatamia continentalis var. pubiflora Tsiang
Ervatamia corymbosa (Roxb. ex Wall.) King & Gamble
Ervatamia corymbosa var. pubescens King & Gamble
Ervatamia hirta (Hook.f.) King & Gamble
Ervatamia inaequalifolia (Lütjeh. & Ooststr.) Pichon
Ervatamia jasminiflora Ridl.
Ervatamia kwangsiensis Tsiang
Ervatamia kweichowensis Tsiang
Ervatamia lamdongensis
Ervatamia laotica (Pit.) Pichon
Ervatamia pauciflora Ridl.
Ervatamia pauciflora var. minor Ridl.
Ervatamia phuongii
Ervatamia tenuiflora Tsiang
Ervatamia yunnanensis Tsiang
Ervatamia yunnanensis var. heterosepala Tsiang
Pagiantha corymbosa (Roxb. ex Wall.) Markgr.
Pagiantha peninsularis Kerr
Pseudixora sumatrana Miq.
Randia sumatrana (Miq.) Miq.
Tabernaemontana baviensis Pit.
Tabernaemontana carinata Lütjeh. & Ooststr.
Tabernaemontana chinensis Merr.
Tabernaemontana continentalis (Tsiang) P.T.Li
Tabernaemontana continentalis var. pubiflora (Tsiang) P.T.Li
Tabernaemontana cymulosa Miq.
Tabernaemontana hirta Hook.f.
Tabernaemontana inaequalifolia Lütjeh. & Ooststr.
Tabernaemontana kwangsiensis (Tsiang) P.T.Li
Tabernaemontana kweichowensis (Tsiang) P.T.Li
Tabernaemontana laotica Pit.
Tabernaemontana peninsularis (Kerr) P.T.Li
Tabernaemontana pubituba Merr.
Tabernaemontana sumatrana (Miq.) Hallier f.
Tabernaemontana sumatrana Merr. [Illegitimate]
Tabernaemontana tsiangiana P.T.Li
Tabernaemontana yunnanensis (Tsiang) P.T.Li
Tabernaemontana yunnanensis var. heterosepala (Tsiang) P.T.Li


  • Shrubs or small trees 0.8-8 m tall, glabrous except for flowers.
  • Petiole 0.3-2 cm;
  • leaf blade ovate to obovate, 7-30 X 2-14 cm, papery, apex acuminate; lateral veins 6-16 pairs.
  • Cymes shorter or longer than leaves; di- or trichotomous.
  • Flower buds with a globose head, rounded at apex.
  • Calyx lobes ovate, ciliate. Corolla white, puberulent to glabrous, tube 1.8-3.1 cm;
  • lobes obliquely elliptic, mostly falcate, 9-16 X 4-10 mm.
  • Stamens inserted above middle of corolla tube.
  • Follicles obliquely ellipsoid, 2-4.5 X 0.6-3 cm, beaked or rounded, sometimes stipitate


19(S)-hydroxyibogamine, 19-epi-isovoacristine, 3R/S-ethoxy-19-epi-heyneanine, 3R/S-ethoxyheyneanine, isovoacryptine, conodiparine A, conodiparine B, conodiparine C, conodiparine D, conodiparine E, conodiparine F, conodutarine A, conodutarine B, cononitarine A, cononitarine B, jerantinine A, jerantinine B, jerantinine C, jerantinine D, jerantinine E, jerantinine F, jerantinine G, jerantinine H, jerantiphylline A, jerantiphylline B, Ervahanine A.

Pharmacological activity

Antioxidant, Antimicrobial, Antiviral, Antinematodal, Anthelmintic and analgesic, Vasorelaxation and Cytotoxic.


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