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Acosmium panamense

Common Names:
in English: Billy Webb
in South America: balsamo amarillo, carboncillo, cencerro, chakte, chichipate, chile, corteza de Honduras, guayacan, huasillo, huesillo, huesito, malvecino, palo chile, quina silvestre, rejo, vera de agua, yacti

Scientific Names(Synonyms)

  • Dalbergia laevigata Standl.
  • Dalbergia lavigata Standl.
  • Sweetia panamensis Benth.


  • Trees, to 12 m, the crown rounded.
  • Leaves alternate, imparipinnate; rachis slender, canaliculate, puberulent, 6-12 cm long; leaflets 7-13, subopposite, 3-8 cm long, 2-3 cm wide, ovate to elliptic, apically obtuse, usually retuse, basally obtuse to broadly cuneate, coriaceous, nitid above, glabrous, pale beneath, gla- brous, reticulate; petiolules ca. 3 mm long, terete, rugose; stipules linear, ca- ducous.
  • Inflorescence paniculate, branched, axillary to terminal leaves, puber- ulent, primary rachis 8-14 cm long, secondary 2-5 cm long; bracts and bracteoles linear, 1-3 mm long, caducous.
  • Flowers numerous, ca. 6 mm long, pedicellate, pedicels ca. 3 mm long, puberulent; calyx turbinate-campanulate, persistent, 3- 4 mm long, puberulent, 5-lobed, teeth ca. 2 mm long, acute, subvalvate; petals 5, free, white or cream colored, subequal, ca. 4 mm long, 2-3 mm wide, spatulate, emarginate, clawed; stamens 10, filaments equal to petals; anthers ca. 1 mm long, ovoid, dorsifixed, longitudinally dehiscent; ovary glabrous, stipitate, the stigma minutely capitate-penicillate, 2-3-ovulate.
  • Fruit oblong or elliptic, 5-9 cm long, (1.5-)2.0-2.5 cm wide, coriaceous, compressed, ca. 5 mm thick at the seeds, reticulate, the ends acute to obtuse, mucronate; seeds 1-3, lustrous, reddish brown, subovate, ca. 8 mm long, 6 mm wide, 2-3 mm thick, the hilum ca. 1 mm long.


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