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Plants containing allergens: Toxicodendron radicans , Peanuts

Plants containing allergens:

1. Poison ivy (skin allergy)

Toxicodendron radicans commonly known as poison ivy is a poisonous flowering plant mostly found in North America and in some regions of Asia. This plant may grow as a vine or as an erect shrub. Some other species of this family also contain allergens like poison oak and poison sumac.
This plant is known for causing an itching, irritating and painful rash called as urishol-induced-dermatitis or Rhus dermatitis, which is caused by a plant sap or oil called as urushiol. This resinous sap material is composed of catechols with have either a 13 or 15-C side chain.


The rash produced by coming in contact with the oil or sap of urushiol produces
·         blisters
·         severe redness of skin
·         inflammation  
·         Non-colored bumps.

Mode of action

Urushiol has indirect toxic effects as urushiol reacts, binds and changes the shape of the integral membrane proteins in the skin. These proteins act as antigens and trigger the immunological response which attacks the derivatives of urushiol bound to the skin proteins which produces rash.


These lesions can be treated with
·         Medication
·         Calamine lotion
·         Baking soda
·         A Jewelweed mash made from the living plant was proven to be effective in reducing the effects of poison ivy dermatitis.
People sensitive from poison ivy can also get a minor rash from mangoes because they also belong to the family of poison ivy and mangoes also contain a compound in their sap whose nature is similar to that of urushiol.

2. Peanuts (food allergy)

Arachis hypogaea (peanut), is a species in the legume or "bean" family. Peanuts or ground nuts are the most common cause of food allergy. Peanut allergy is known as the most severe food allergy due its extensive prevalence, persistency and potential severity of allergic reactions. Peanut plant is an annual herbaceous plant growing 30-50 cm tall. Flowers are pea-shaped and yellow in color. It is abundantly cultivated in China, India and America.

Mode of action

Symptoms of peanut allergy are due to the activation of immune system which results in the action of Immunoglobin E (IgE), acts to release histamine and other related mediated substances by the degradation of mast cells. It has also been found out that roasting the peanuts causes the peanut allergen to become stronger inhibitor of digestive enzyme.


·         Mild Pruritus
·         Urticaria
·         Angiodema
·         Facial swelling
·         Rhinitis
·         Vomiting
·         Diarrhea
·         Acute abdominal pain
·         Exacerbation of atopic eczema
·         Asthma
·         Cardiac arrest
·         Anaphylaxis
·         Vasodilation of arterioles
·         Bronchospasm


The principle treatment for this allergy is the administration of epinephrine and antihistamines. Other methods for treatment include oral desensitization, subcutaneous immunotherapy, sublingual immunotherapy desensitization and epicutaneous immunotherapy desensitization.



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